Sourdough Starter

Sourdough Starter
Sharing the joy of sourdough, with our little starter, “Tejas”! Tejas means friend, it originates from the Native tribes that were in the area we now call Texas.
You’ll receive a 2 oz portion of starter in a zip-top bag. Instructions are included on how to start with 1 oz. So you get another opportunity to make it if something happens to the first, or some to share!
You’ll definitely need to have a baker’s scale, there is a link on our blog (shared below) if you don’t already have one.
The instructions will be printed and included with your bag of starter. They are also located on our blog, with a few of favorite links and recipes: Tejas Farm Sourdough Blog.
After starting your own batch, you should be ready to bake bread in about 5 days, much shorter than the several weeks it takes to start your own Sourdough Starter AND so much less waste! Did you know you have to discard half of your starter each day during start-up. This time, you’ll have only one tiny time where that is required.
Please message if you have any questions at all. Hit the “Contact” button, or email @
Quantities are limited, as it takes about a week to make a few batches.
For local pickup, you can choose the “Local Pickup - Hydrated” option, this will come in a 32 oz container with a fed (or unfed if you prefer) batch of starter, ready to be cooked with that day!
Thank you.